Despite the cold weather closing in, a man from Hull is preparing to bare his chest – in the literal sense.

Rob Milsom is set to have his chest waxed to raise money for the Charlie Hook appeal, in connection with the charity, Families Against Neuroblastoma (FAN).

The Charlie Hook appeal was set up to raise funds for five year old Charlie, who is battling against Neuroblasta, an aggressive form of cancer.

Though treatment is available for the condition, it is only currently on offer in Germany or the USA. Charlie and his family must travel abroad for treatment, something which is proving an expensive and difficult task.

Rob, who works at Paragon Data Services, not only hopes to raise as much money as he can for the appeal, but is also aiming to raise awareness of the condition too.

Rob said: “Waxing your chest for charity often raises a few laughs for those involved, but the point of the wax is to remind people there is a serious reason behind it surrounding the health of a young boy.

“Charlie’s family are working really hard to gather the funds for the treatment. We all want to see him get the best chance of a recovery possible and my chest wax is something I’m hoping can contribute towards that.”

Rob is having his chest waxed on 26th November. You can sponsor him and donate to the appeal at:

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